Software Vault: The Ruby Collection
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│ 14 - Games and Humor │
1ARCY.ZIP 443982 03-20-94 Arcy 2 graphical puzzle game by MVP
| Software <ASP>. Cool graphics and hot,
| mind-boggling puzzles, you'll LOVE Arcy
| 2, all the way from Germany! The result
| is Arcy 2, the new hit game from the
| people who brought you Pickle Wars and 3
| Point Basketball. Requires 286, VGA;
| Sound Blaster is optional.
1BS21.ZIP 1408303 07-01-94 BLAKE STONE 2.1. APOGEE 3-D ACTION. In
| 1992 came Wolfenstein. NOW there's
| Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold! A battle
| against a madman who's hatched an army
| of doom, with mutants, biodroids,
| demons--all genetically designed for
| mass terror! Blake 2.1 has an even more
| impressive list of features than the
| original release. Rediscover it today!
| Requires 386+, DOS 5+. AdLib/SB.
1GERHELI.ZIP 386984 05-05-94 Helicopter simulation from the German
| Bundeswehr. With cute questions like
| 'Do we need an army?' and 'Could you
| become a helicopter pilot without 20-20
| vision?' A good simulation game.
1STINGER.ZIP 106413 07-14-94 Neat little dice game of chance, but
| watch out for the Stinger!
3POINT.ZIP 642483 04-28-94 3 Point Basketball game by MVP Software
| <ASP>. Take on "ASBA" stars such as
| Shackle O'Deal and Bald Barkler in a 3
| point shootout. Rick Vitality calls the
| action as you fire up those threes.
| Will you be "hot with the rock," or are
| your shots better described as "what a
| brick, baby?" Requires 286+, VGA,
| mouse; Sound Blaster is optional.
A10WART.ZIP 29632 03-04-94 A-10 Warthog for Flight Simulator 4.0.
AA21DOOM.ZIP 74574 05-06-94 Another Awesome DOOM PWAD (E2M1). An
| action-packed NEW level for registered
| DOOM, Episode two, Mission one. Includes
| new sounds! Does not alter your
| DOOM.WAD. Just unzip in your DOOM
| directory and enter at the DOS prompt:
AA22DOOM.ZIP 32938 05-15-94 Another Awesome DOOM PWAD (E2M2). An
| action-packed NEW level for registered
| DOOM, Episode two, Mission two. Does
| not alter your DOOM.WAD. Just unzip in
| your DOOM directory and enter at the DOS
| prompt: AA22DOOM.
AABYSS.ZIP 660848 06-07-94 Apocalypse Abyss by Software Visions. A
| puzzle/action game with dazzling
| graphics and a full digitized sound
| track! Thirty levels, sixty in the
| registered version! Level editor inc.
| Requires: 286 with VGA or MCGA.
AB12_TBL.ZIP 18912 03-07-94 Air Bucks 1.2 (Impression). CHEAT TABLE
| FOR GAME WIZARD 2.1. Unlimited Money
| and Changing/Editing your Date. Also
| include a whole bunch of Initialization
| Tables for each plane.
ACELANDZ.ZIP 40396 07-04-94 Aceland - an extra installment for ZZT.
| You are in a strange land called Aceland
| and weird things have been happening in
| it. You have to find your way through
| over 40 screens of adventure, battling
| lions, tigers, and a wizard named
| Mugerlock.
AGT17.ZIP 282016 05-19-94 Adventure Game Toolkit 1.7. Create your
| very own text adventure games with this
| easy-to-use "authoring system" which can
| be used to make games as professional as
| those from INFOCOM and others. 384K
| memory needed. Now "freeware" - No
| royalties or fees. <ASP>.
| game for very young children, so they
| can use the computer too! A variety of
| animation and sound results when any key
| is struck. EGA and Hard Drive required.
| FREEWARE from FLIX Productions.
ALONE2HN.ZIP 50055 04-04-94 Alone in the Dark 2 Hint Database.
| Stuck playing Alone in the Dark 2? Need
| a Hint? This database of hints will
| allow you to continue to the very end
| from wherever you find yourself stuck.
AN11A.ZIP 74885 06-12-94 House of Annoyance, a Doom WAD file for
| registered Doom only. Includes weird
| distort-o-music (Altered doom music from
| level 1 episode 1) and a brand new E1M1
| from scratch in 1 PWAD. Over a month's
| work in this one, try it out! (will not
| alter original DOOM.WAD file) UltraFred
| Software.
ARKANSAS.ZIP 10346 03-20-94 An Arkansas Farm for Maxis' SimFarm.
ARUPD5.ZIP 252666 05-11-94 Elder Scrolls: ARENA 1.05 Update.
ASIV.ZIP 14920 04-03-94 Aerial Supremacy IV Challenge Missions.
| These missions are for the online INN
| tourney and are designed to give you an
| edge flying the planes that will be used
| therein. Red Baron and RBMB are neces-
| sary to utilize these 8 missions!
ATC.ZIP 53877 05-29-94 A classic air traffic controller game
| that's perfect for a few minutes or
| hours of fun. Easy to learn, but
| difficult to master. A former air
| traffic controller says, "The game seems
| so realistic that when I first began to
| play the game I would break out in a
| sweat. I don't mind if I screw up
| because I know I get another chance and
| nobody got hurt."
AUS_VI.ZIP 8498 05-08-94 FS5 Scenery: Victoria, Australia and
| across Bass Strait to Tasmania. Scenery
| contains all public airports and naviga-
| tional aids in the states of Victoria
| and Tasmania.
AUT300.ZIP 233311 05-22-94 New FS5 scenery of Austria, extremely
| detailed with many new airports and the
| mountains of this country.
AZOR1FS4.ZIP 56482 06-27-94 FS4 Revisions to Scenery and modes for
| the AZORES Islands, west of Portugal.
| This scenery includes the 8 major
| Islands of the archipelago and is
| complete with navs.
AZOREFS4.ZIP 48085 06-24-94 FS4 Scenery and modes for the AZORES
| Islands, west of Portugal. This scenery
| includes the 8 major Islands of the
| archipelago and is complete with navs.
| This replaces the original AZORES.ZIP
| which I built in Feb. 1993. SD-EUR is
| recommended. Built by Alfred Grech.
AZOR_ACF.ZIP 25730 06-24-94 Aircraft used with the AZOREFS4.ZIP
| scenery file of the Azores archipelago.
| Copy to your FS4 directory together with
| the .MOD files.
BACRAT.ZIP 330359 04-23-94 ULTIMATE BACCARAT 3.0. <ASP> Inter-
| active animated Baccarat simulation. Go
| where no baccarat player has gone
| before, into the ULTIMATE zone! Enter a
| fully animated casino card game and
| gambling school. Use the TUTOR, see
| stats, change bets, and much more. Play
| with 3 computer characters. ACCIDENTAL
BADBLU35.ZIP 12299 05-31-94 First-try new DOOM level! Lots-o-ammo
| and bad boys to kill; I've been told
| it's nearly impossible (nah).
| Registered version only; Episode 3,
| Level 5. Have fun!
BAKUHS.ZIP 9512 04-07-94 Betrayal at Krondor UHS Hint file.
BALTSROL.ZIP 204094 04-12-94 Baltusrol, Site of the 1993 US Open, for
| Jack Nicklaus Signature Edition (JNSE).
| By David Norwood.
BANZAI.ZIP 203935 07-07-94 Another made from scratch level for the
| registered version of Doom.
BATTLE11.ZIP 136759 04-30-94 Battleship Game. Featuring VGA
| graphics, mouse and Sound Blaster/Adlib
| support. Freeware!
BERSERKJ.ZIP 20442 06-13-94 Pure Excitement. Yet another PWAD file
| for the REGISTERED version of that great
| game DOOM! BERSERKJ is very challenging
| and difficult, there are many challeng-
| ing secrets to be found and lots of guys
| to trash! All the weapons are present,
| you just have to find them! Good for
BGLD20AU.ZIP 74641 04-23-94 Boggled 2.0a (update). Upgrade patch
| which updates the game Boggled 2.0, to
| version 2.0a. The upgrade reworks the
| logic of memory detection due to some
| incompatabilities, and adds a command
| line switch to disable memory checking.
| To upgrade, simply replace the original
| BOGGLED.EXE with the enclosed version.
BJ_CSS11.ZIP 117953 03-17-94 CSS 1.1. Composition Strategy Simulator
| for Basic Strategy Blackjack. Determine
| the precise expectation of composition
| specific basic strategy hands using high
| speed simulation. This is NOT a game.
| For serious Blackjack players only.
BLASTEM.ZIP 72015 06-23-94 New WAD for DOOM registered: BLAST'EM!
| How cool. You'll love it! New sounds,
| new graphics, new theme! Go on, Blast
| the pinheads!
BOMBER21.ZIP 97569 05-03-94 BOMBER 2.1. The REAL Arcade game!
| Offers you great VGA graphics and
| SoundBlaster digitized sounds. A very
| entertaining software from Patrick Pich.
BPINES.ZIP 322353 04-04-94 Bensten Pines, for Jack Nicklaus Signa-
| ture Edition (JNSE), by Mark Willett. A
| fine original golf course design with
| much of the flavor of Castle Pines in
| Colorado.
| This file is for registered owners of
| Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold Episodes
| 1-6 ONLY!! If you do not have the
| registered version of Episodes 1-6, this
| will do nothing for you. This will turn
| your registered copy of Blake Stone 2.0
| Episodes 1-6 into a Blake Stone 2.1
| Episodes 1-6. Maintenance Release.
BTB130.ZIP 99736 04-23-94 BEAT the BOMB 1.30. Timed Addition
| Game. Race against a clock, a bomb, or
| a snail or build castles with correct
| answers. Has MANY easy to set up
| options. Setups and scores saved. Used
| in schools and in home schools. Fast
| animated color graphics.
BTC102.ZIP 123569 05-06-94 Battle Charge 1.02 <ASP> A two-player
| game played with two sets of opposing
| (red vs. blue) neutral and charged
| pieces. The game ends when a charged
| piece captures its opposing king.
| Requires: 80286 or later series CPU,
| 300K free RAM, VGA color graphics, and a
| Microsoft compatible mouse and DOS
| resident driver.
C152LINE.ZIP 148024 04-04-94 FS4/AAF aircraft Collection. Tribute to
| the great Cessna 152. FIVE AIRCRAFT
| including: C120, C150, C152T, C152II,
| and the C152II Taildragger Conversion.
| SEE4 Scenery file included, plus all
| Static SC0 files, plus mode. By Kenneth
| J Kerr.
CAMBGL.ZIP 24927 03-27-94 FS5 scenery: Central America. Includes
| navaids, facilities and visual scenery.
| By Hans van Wijhe.
CANBGL.ZIP 31082 03-27-94 FINALLY! FS5 Airports & Scenery for
| TORONTO, Quebec, Winnipeg, etc! Not a
| lot of detain, but it does have nav
| aids, etc. Found on Compuserve.
| Includes Pearson, T.O. Isl. Etc!
CANBGL2.ZIP 72782 05-18-94 Scenery for FS5 of Canada including
| Iceland and Greenland.
CASTLREC.ZIP 8610 04-11-94 Four rounds at Castle Pines Golf Course.
| From the red, white, blue and black
| tees.
CAST_WAD.ZIP 48255 05-03-94 New .WAD File For Registered Users of
| Doom. Use The -File FILENAME.WAD
| Parameter to Use This.
CAVLAB11.ZIP 50179 05-13-94 CAVLAB11. New level for the registered
| version of Doom for single player mode.
| Designed and built by Dave Sawford.
CBP94T.ZIP 7116 03-13-94 1994 NCAA Teams Template for CBPool Here
| it is! The 1994 NCAA B-Ball tournament
| template for CBPool. Use this file with
| CBP11.ZIP to avoid typing in all 64
| teams in the tournament. CBPool is a
| Windows NCAA B-Ball tournament pool
| manager.
CC3D34.ZIP 357678 04-11-94 Corncob 3D version 3.42 by MVP Software
| <ASP> As you hear the scream of KLA
| homing devices that barely miss your
| wobbling Corsair, you know you're in for
| the fight of your life. You check your
| altitude gauge, then steel yourself for
| another run at the enemy. This is part
| of the action in Corncob 3D, the best
| shareware air combat game ever. Requires
| VGA/SVGA and 286 or better.
CCHECK22.ZIP 257742 04-01-94 CHINESE CHECKERS 2.1. A animated
| classic board game for 1-6 players.
| Nominated for Best Entertainment
| Software and Best New Product at
| Shareware Industry Awards 1992. The
| players (represented by animated icons,
| Dragon, Flower, Mantis, Wind, Tiger, and
| Peacock) may be either human or computer
| players. Use keyboard or mouse.
| Requires EGA or VGA, and 640K memory.
CGPROI.ZIP 477280 05-11-94 Complete Golf Pro is a golf handicapping
| and game analysis program for calculat-
| ing USGA type and trend (user defined)
| handicap indexes for 1 to as many
| players as hard disk space allows. Lots
| of additional utilities.
CHALL10E.ZIP 201131 03-09-94 PERSONAL CHALLENGE 1.0e <ASP> An
| educational trivia games to test your
| knowledge as you compete against
| yourself or other players in five
| categories. Your choice of Beginner,
| Intermediate or Expert level determines
| the speed at which you must play and the
| points you can earn. Each player earns
| an Honorary Degree and a chance for fame
| on the High Scorers list.
CHESSRP3.ZIP 75868 06-06-94 CHESSRP3 is a CHESS replay program. You
| select a pre-coded CHESS game that you
| wish to play and CHESSRP3 sets up a game
| board on your PC monitor and invokes
| your game. You move the CHESS pieces
| with the up or down arrow keys. Preset
| a board at will and play from here.
| Code own games with any EDITOR using the
CITY_.ZIP 13251 06-17-94 Simcity 2000 city - small, but with a
| good money flow and potential.
CIVSND.ZIP 57304 04-14-94 New sound drivers for Civilization,
| MicroProse's best seller. These new
| sound drivers support the latest sound
| cards. Support is added for all OPL-3
| based FM cards (Pro Audio Spectrum Plus,
| 16, Studio; Sound Blaster Pro, 16,
| 16ASP, AWE32; AdLib/Cardinal Gold;
| Microsoft Windows Sound System; and all
| compatibles) and for any General MIDI
| card or external synthesizer.
CLX103.ZIP 104601 05-19-94 Color Cross 1.03. A unique, abstract
| and kinetic two-player color strategy
| game whose objective is to freeze all of
| your opponent's pieces. Requires: 8086
| series CPU, 300K free RAM, VGA color
| graphics, and a Microsoft compatible
| mouse and DOS resident driver.
COMCHEAT.ZIP 8668 03-24-94 TSR Trainer for Comanche-CD XCLNT!
CORIDOR7.ZIP 1280202 03-27-94 CORRIDOR 7: ALIEN INVASION. By Capstone
| Software Technology Licensed From Id
| Software Creators Of WOLFENSTEIN 3-D.
| New Features Include: Morphing Aliens &
| Extended Death Scenes, Full Screen
| Action, Proximity Mapping, Infra-Red &
| Night Vision, Diminished Lighting
| Effects, Mines & More.
CREATE_.ZIP 47543 04-14-94 A random character generator for AD&D
| 2nd edition, with included QBSAIC
| soucre.
CROSFR01.ZIP 63020 06-04-94 CROSSFIRE. A new 'from scratch' game
| level for id Software's Doom. Works
| with REGISTERED DOOM only!
CRUSADES.ZIP 392896 07-07-94 ROBOT CRUSADES 1.0. Copyright (c) 1994
| By: John A. Reder. Welcome to the
| 22nd Century where RoboSports are so
| popular that it is big business! You
| are a Corporate Crusade Strategist!
| Your job is to design a robotic army
| that will flatten the competition.
| UnRegistered version of this game is
| SHAREWARE! VGA and Minimum DOS 5 or
| better required.
CRYPT.ZIP 360326 05-12-94 Jigsaw puzzles too easy? Try Cryptik,
| the coded game. The puzzle you choose
| is encoded to show its major colors,
| then the pieces are jumbled. You need
| to match the colors to restore the
| image. Hall of fame for your best
| scores. Save puzzles, solution hints,
| simple mouse interface, and much more!
| Designed to use all major SVGA boards
| but also will work on VGA if needed.
CUBIST.ZIP 92557 05-27-94 The Cubist 1.00b. Try to re-arrange the
| colored squares.
CWBS23.ZIP 239625 03-27-94 EGA CIVILWAR BATTLESET 2.3 Copyright (c)
| 1993 W. R. Hutsell Prize-winning Civil
| War game with editor and historical
| tactical battle scenarios.
DALYMRCH.ZIP 21471 03-30-94 Join John Daly on Links 386 Pro for the
| month of March 1994. He plays tough and
| long on most of the available courses.
DARKPIT.ZIP 13335 05-09-94 Play alone or with friends on this
| level. But watch out for the DARKPIT!
| There are many ways to win this level
| and not disturb the pit. DOOM level for
| Registered 1.2 or higher.
DAVFARM.ZIP 17546 03-14-94 Dave's Almond & Apple Orchard for
| SimFarm. Complete scenario for SimFarm
| with over $4 million in the bank.
DEADLY21.ZIP 21630 03-28-94 A new level for DOOM. Requires regist-
| ered version to use. Great for Death-
| match play and tough on solo users too!
DEATHCAS.ZIP 31610 06-25-94 DeathCastle for Doom. Another PWAD file
| designed for Deathmatch playing.
| Modified from CASTLE.WAD with DEU5.1.
| Plenty of ammos and weapons. Add lifts.
| Only for DOOM registered users.
DEPTH14.ZIP 1293432 06-24-94 Depth Dwellers - The Quest 1.4. An
| intense, virtual reality, 3D action game
| by TriSoft. Plunged into the mines you
| witness the true demonic nature of the
| Ri. Run, jump, duck, crawl and kill -
| do whatever it takes to conquer and kill
| the Ri and fulfill your quest. Features
| new advances in 3D technology, out-
| standing graphics and music. Requires
| 386, VGA, 4Mb. Killer game!
DETHE1M1.ZIP 74204 04-30-94 Doom Pwad (registered version).
DETRV2UP.ZIP 293482 06-10-94 2.0 update for Detroit, 1994 game by
| Impress. Fixes the modem function all
| known bugs. Self extracting archive,
| copy the file into your directory and
| run it. Answer Y when asked to
| overwrite. See fileread.me2.
DEU50.ZIP 181073 04-03-94 Deu 5.0 is a Doom editor. It allows you
| to edit current levels or make complete-
| ly new levels. You can save them as a
| PWAD or make changes to the WAD. You
| must have a VGA, a mouse is optional but
| useful. You can only save changes to
| the Registered Version of Doom.
DHAKED13.ZIP 25210 07-02-94 DeHackEd 1.3, the DOOM.EXE editor! Edit
| Thing, Ammo, and Frame tables and create
| new monsters or modify old ones. Float-
| ing demons, super-fast imps, invisible
| fireballs, rapid-fire weapons, and more!
| Two patch files included, for super
| weapons and morphing monsters, or create
| your own! Available ONLY for registered
| Doom.
DINOP10.ZIP 316898 05-01-94 DINOSAUR PREDATORS 1.0. By Alive Soft-
| ware. Step back in time as a Jurassic
| dinosaur. Discover your prey, avoid
| your predators, collect energy tokens
| and survive. Play and learn with this
| strategy game and simulation adventure
| in the prehistoric forest. Features:
| the deadly T-Rex, the swift Veloci-
| raptor, lethal Spinosaurus and other
| cool dinosaurs.
DLIFE115.ZIP 43649 04-07-94 Conway's Game of LIFE, ported to the PC.
DMATCH1.ZIP 42767 05-30-94 Good Deathmatch level for DOOM 1.2
| registered. Replaces E2M1, not good at
| all for single play. Best with respawn
| on.
DMCATW.ZIP 19798 05-04-94 CATWALKS. New level for DOOM 1.2
| registered.
DMMAPALL.ZIP 167067 06-14-94 DOOM MAPS All EPISODES: Highly detailed
| maps of all the levels for all three
| episodes. These maps were made on the
| Ultra-Violent level, so you'll know
| wherever there is an object or creature.
DMMUS10.ZIP 16258 04-27-94 Nifty utility to insert or extract music
| from the registered version of DOOM.
DMSAVED.ZIP 32638 03-19-94 This is a file with several saved games
| for DOOM version 1.2 registered version
| only! It puts you on level 4 of episode
| 2 and level 2 of episode 3 and level 3
| of episode 2.
DMSHOT2.ZIP 50062 03-24-94 This is a screen shot from DOOM showing
| where to trap the "Barons of Hell" in
| the last level of episode 1.
DMSTAN.ZIP 139632 05-10-94 New DOOM PWAD. Huge level (over 300k)
| Outstanding new level. Requires a fast
| machine and the registered version of
DMTECH.ZIP 43257 06-03-94 Doom WAD called TECHNOID for Registered
| 1.2.
DMWED.ZIP 12847 06-05-94 Doom WAD called Wedding. Registered 1.2
| only!
DM_LEV1.ZIP 787967 06-24-94 Another Collection of Add-On Doom Levels
| Doom 1.2 (Registered) is required.
DM_LEV2.ZIP 806055 06-24-94 Another Collection of Add-On Doom
| Levels. Doom 1.2 (Registered) required.
DM_X.ZIP 583587 06-24-94 Excellent Deathmatch episodes 2 and 3
| (18 levels total). Requires registered
DOE10.ZIP 117591 03-05-94 Doom Object Editor 1.0: Editor for ID
| Software's Doom that enables you to add,
| change, or delete objects and create a
| .WAD file of changed levels; requires
| registered Doom & mouse.
DOOMSAVR.ZIP 24026 05-29-94 DOOM SCREEN SAVER! DoomSaver for DOS
| shows all the beasts cavorting around.
| Requires the registered version of Doom.
DTEPIS3.ZIP 305159 06-24-94 THE 9 LEVELS OF HELL. Nine levels
| created by David Turpin with DEU. The
| Registered version of DOOM is Required
| to play these levels. NEW MUSIC
E1L5KO1.ZIP 41280 03-11-94 New level for DOOM. Requires registered
| version to use. Good for Deathmatch
| play.
E1M1DJS.ZIP 21312 05-01-94 Created level for DOOM. Registered
| only.
E1M1LATE.ZIP 22189 04-03-94 Brand New! Episode 1, Level 1 for
| Registered Doom! This Level is harder
| than you might like, and has been
| redecorated with visually STUNNING
E2L2_GG1.ZIP 64828 04-01-94 A heavily modified level for Doom.
| Works on the registered version only.
| Use the IDCLEV 22 command to get to the
| level.
E3M7.ZIP 22032 07-03-94 Revised episode 3 level 7 game. Make
| sure you're on god mode when you hit the
| crowd of monsters! For REGISTERED DOOM
EC1ISS.ZIP 36554 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set EC-1 1.05. Region EC-1 provides
| airports and navigational aids for
| Michigan.
EC2ISS.ZIP 45330 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set EC-2 1.05. Region EC-2 provides
| airports and navigational aids for
| Indiana and Ohio.
EC3ISS.ZIP 45619 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set EC-3 1.05. Region EC-3 provides
| airports and navigational aids for
| Wisconsin and Illinois.
ECO.ZIP 332014 05-29-94 ECOMASTER. An ecology simulation in
| which you try to predict how animals
| will survive in a series of different
| environments or biomes. Each round,
| players bid for animals. Animal
| increase or decrease in value, depending
| on the current environment. Players win
| by deciding which animals will perform
| the best in changing biomes. Shareware
| version has 500K of graphics.
ELFSWRD.ZIP 2897 04-03-94 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons game
| enhancement. ELFSWORD contains
| descriptions of some magical swords
| that were forged by elves.
EPI3BEST.ZIP 392700 05-17-94 Some of the Best levels for Registered
| version of DOOM.
EURBGL.ZIP 186032 03-11-94 Flight Simulator 5 Scenery package of
| Europe includes airports, scenery and
| navigational aids.
EXCLS1_2.ZIP 617851 04-18-94 EXCELSIOR Role Playing Game in classic
| early 80s style. Be a demigod and save
| Lysandia!
F14REV1.ZIP 10322 03-19-94 Roster Editor for Microprose' F-14:
| Fleet Defender. Include your friends in
| your campaigns.
F14TRICK.ZIP 8411 03-19-94 This is an all-inclusive command key
| reference for MPS F14 Fleet Defender.
| Better than the one in the box.
F14UPD.ZIP 468106 05-05-94 Patch for Fleet Defender. F14 combat
| flight simulator by MicroProse.
| Upgrades original release to 1.1 and
| fixes many bugs.
FARULT.ZIP 21490 04-18-94 Farult, a SimCity 2000 city that's just
| starting. It has about 12,000 people.
FBG.ZIP 57303 06-03-94 THE 1994 FOOTBALL GUIDE. Perfect for
| people who love NFL Football! Up to 20
| Players can compete in The FOOTBALL
| GUIDE OFFICE POOL. Each player (and the
| FBG) make their picks of the winning
| teams for the week. When the week's
| results are entered (in an easy-enter
| format), the FOOTBALL GUIDE ranks all
| the players (and itself) based on total
| number of correct picks for the season.
FDRVV.ZIP 27879 05-17-94 Squadron editor for FLEET DEFENDER from
| Microprose. Allows user to revive KIA
| and MIA pilots.
FF13_101.ZIP 148160 06-14-94 FoxFire 13 Solitaire 1.01. By Randy
| Rasa and Todd Svec. Great card game
| from the creator of Solitaire Suite and
| the SYSOP of FoxFire BBS. Simple to
| learn, not so easy to master solitaire
| game can keep you busy for hours.
| Requires mouse, EGA graphics, and
| optional sound card. This update fixes
| mouse and SoundBlaster problems.
FFLM94A.ZIP 186636 06-27-94 1994 Preview Edition of Fantasy Football
| League Manager. A menu-driven program
| designed to provide you with everything
| you need to maintain and keep track of a
| Fantasy Football League. It allows you
| to define and keep track of all aspects
| of your league. All of the scoring and
| statistics are handled for you auto-
| matically.
FISHAT2.ZIP 73181 06-04-94 FisHatchery is the new game, brought to
| you by JonCo. In this game, you are
| yourself, the head of a fish hatchery.
| The object of the game is to make more
| then 1,000,000 dollars. To achieve this,
| you must buy and sell fish, hire
| workers, and basically run the company.
| FisHatchery is a fun game, with fun
| graphics and easy controls. Have fun!
FLM5.ZIP 100581 06-25-94 Flight Log 1.1 for Flight Simulator 5.0.
| Flight planning program creates a log of
| your flight quickly. Does not require
| database updates.
FLORZOO1.ZIP 41116 04-10-94 Walk Through A Doom ZOO To See All The
| Monsters Safely. For 1.2 Registered.
FORT42C.ZIP 246820 03-09-94 FORTUNE TELLER 4.2c. Rosemary West
| <ASP> A potpourri of divination and
| fortune telling techniques: Three
| separate playing-card methods, dice,
| numerology, runes, and "Instant Oracle".
| A history and explanation of each method
| is provided. Fun at parties!
FORZZT.ZIP 29082 06-24-94 Add-on to ZZT; Forests of ZZT.
FPGEN.ZIP 36443 06-03-94 For Dynamix FBPRO: Creates Free Agents.
FRUITTIL.ZIP 6091 05-09-94 MJ TileSet: fruits, etc.
FS5ADDON.ZIP 53336 07-11-94 2 new planes for Flight Sim 5. FIrst of
| what will no doubt be many to come. 1
| is a DC 9! Docs are in the embedded
| .ZIP file.
FSM19.ZIP 207042 03-26-94 Falcon Squadron Manager 1.9. Edit and
| modify your Falcon, Mig29 and Hornets
| squadrons. Even edit the Wingman
| messages!
GABEHINT.ZIP 12071 03-14-94 Hints For Gabriel Knight: Sins of The
| Fathers, new Sierra Game - Really Cool.
GAMA11.ZIP 516703 05-10-94 GAMMA Wing 1.1. A space flight
| simulator Bitmapped and rendered
| graphics in sim itself! Digital sound
| effects. Needs 286, VGA. Supports
| sound cards and joystick.
GB18.ZIP 1270888 04-29-94 GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #18! Woah!
| Unquestionably the best Game Bytes yet.
| In this issue, read reviews of hot new
| games like The Horde, Ultima 8:Pagan,
| SubWar 2050, and about a million more!
| :-) Previews of new games like The
| Grandest Fleet, Harpoon 2, Outpost, Star
| Reach and more. To view screen shots,
| you must also download GB18-GRA.ZIP and
| unzip in the same directory as GB18.ZIP.
GB18GRA.ZIP 1242149 04-29-94 GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #18! This
| file contains ONLY the graphics screen-
| shots library file. You MUST also down-
| load GB18.ZIP to make use of the screen
| shots contained in this file. Unzip
| this file into the same directory as
| GB18.ZIP, run your VESA driver (if you
| need to), and then run GAMEBYTE.EXE
| (stored in GB18.ZIP).
GEN0794.ZIP 60034 07-03-94 Update Of The Sega Genesis Tips, Tricks
| and Hints Listing. New games added
| since last issue. A Must HAVE for SEGA
| Owners!
GKPAT.ZIP 379744 05-04-94 Gabriel Knight. PC Floppy Version Patch
| to Update to Version 1.0b. Contains the
| necessary files to update your copy of
| Gabriel Knight to version 1.0b. Update
| corrects several problems described
| below. Check your installation disks to
| verify which version you have. This
| patch also patches version 1.0a to 1.0b.
GOLFCAP.ZIP 297473 04-02-94 Program to handicap your golf scores.
GPWAR096.ZIP 148539 05-20-94 Geo-Political Warfare 0.96.
GUS32.ZIP 169141 05-13-94 Gravis Ultrasound drivers for Sierra's
| 32-bit games. Includes support for
| Gabriel Knight, Quest for Glory IV:
| Shadows of Darkness, Police Quest IV:
| Open Season, and Leisure Suit Larry VI
| CD.
GWIZ23.ZIP 110940 03-17-94 GAME WIZARD 2.30. The most powerful
| GAME CHEATING utility ever developed
| anywhere in the world. NOW WITH FULL
| MANAGERS. It has the ability to:
| search/modify/lock items while playing
| games; create personalized cheat files;
| save/load current game in progress; view
| text files inside games; adjust game
| playing speed; shell to DOS; and more.
HACKER10.ZIP 33289 03-17-94 The ultimate game cheat by WADESOFT, for
| every game that has a savegame. Full
| instructions included, Word Perfect or
| .TXT format. You can modify your score,
| money, weapons, ammo, armor, etc, any
| way you want. Excellent for games such
| as Privateer, SimCity2000, Might&Magic,
| DOOM, Wolfenstein. Easy to use, on
| virtually ANY game.
HARVARD.ZIP 116380 06-17-94 FS4/AAF aircraft collection. For the
| Canadian Aviation enthusiast. You'll
| love this tribute to the HARVARD in RCAF
| service. There are FOUR aircraft here:
| 1) Yale 3350 from CWH, Hamilton, Ont.
| 2) The NA-44 light bomber demonstrator.
| 3) Harvard Mk II AJ583, from CHAA.
| 4) Harvard Mk 4 20242, from CHAA.
| Includes VOC recorded INSIDE a Harvard
| in flight, and a scenery file.
HCKED101.ZIP 39448 04-01-94 Editor for EA's NHL Hockey. Version
| 1.01.
HEPTIC.ZIP 54577 05-15-94 A new level from scratch for E2L2.
| Supports single, co-operative and
| deathmatch. Will work only with the
| registered version of Doom.
HITNRUN.ZIP 18651 05-15-94 PWAD for Doom 1.2 REGISTERED.
HITNRUN2.ZIP 127371 05-30-94 Sequel to hit-n-run PWAD for Doom 1.2
| For REGISTERED version.
ICR104.ZIP 367433 04-05-94 Modem patch for Indycar Racing from
| Papyrus.
ICRTRAX.ZIP 15705 06-08-94 Car settings for Indycar racing - READ
INTIMACY.ZIP 179844 04-26-94 INTIMACY 1.03S. Produce surprisingly
| accurate, in-depth reports that show the
| dynamics involved in your romantic
| relationships. 6 to 8 page reports can
| help you and your partner to have a
| stronger, more meaningful relationship
| together. Based on the science of
| numerology.
JBOND10.ZIP 135247 06-01-94 James Bond Trivia 1.0.
JLF_E1M1.ZIP 22333 03-16-94 New level for Doom. Requires registered
| version to use. Have Fun!
K123WADS.ZIP 90269 06-27-94 K123Wads. Three new levels for DOOM!
| All are Deathmatch capable. Includes
| text files describing each level and
| describing how to use the levels with
| DOOM. Requires REGISTERED DOOM. Levels
| replace E1M1, E1M2, and E1M3.
K1WAD.ZIP 39365 06-15-94 DOOM Pwad file. Cool level for Doom,
| replaces E1M1. Setup up for one or
| multiple person play, makes a good
| deathmatch level. Lots of secret areas
| (almost half the level) are good for
| ambushing your opponent. Includes text
| file describing the level and how to use
| it if you don't know. Will only work
| with registered DOOM!
| <ASP> Head-to-head fantasy football.
| Runs a fantasy football league for up to
| 12 teams. Scoring based on your choice
| of any or all of 12 stats whose value is
| set by user. Compatible with USA Today
| Information Center downloads.
KCHESS15.ZIP 145497 03-11-94 K-CHESS 1.5. An instructional Chess
| program which shows its own calculations
| as it works. It has various types of
| hints and help, including on-screen
| calculation of the best line of attack
| for several moves ahead. Features
| one-player, two-player and autoplay
| modes, and unlimited move undo and redo.
KMART.ZIP 9675 06-13-94 Mario and Nigels' Kmart cars for IndyCar
| Racing.
KORT.ZIP 584023 03-19-94 King Arthur's K.O.R.T. By MVP Software
| <ASP>. Great new Medieval strategy game
| in which you must conquer Great Britain.
| 256 color VGA graphics, terrific theme
| music, digitized sound effects and
| voices! Who says valor and chivalry are
| dead. Prepare for battle! Requires
| 286, VGA, mouse.
KRONOS.ZIP 67421 05-12-94 KRONOS WAD 23a. A solo player only
| level for Id Software's Doom. In nature
| a puzzle, Kronos requires quick reflexes
| and critical thinking skills, although
| not impossibly so. Beware of doors
| opening behind you! For registered
| users only.
LAIR_12.ZIP 37893 05-07-94 A new level for Doom registered version.
| Part 2 of Into the Weezul's Lair.
| Includes Demo and score by J. S. Bach.
| Enjoy!
LARYSAVE.ZIP 133116 03-19-94 If you get stuck on Larry6, restore
| these saved game collection. You must
| have the game to use these files.
LARYWLK.ZIP 7691 04-02-94 Text new complete walk thru for game
| Larry6.
LEGHINTS.ZIP 109756 03-11-94 Official hint book for Legacy: Realm of
| Terror by MicroProse from their BBS.
LIFE16.ZIP 66523 05-01-94 Conway's Game of LIFE 1.0.6. AWESOME
| rendition of this great thing!
LIFEPW.ZIP 16150 03-19-94 More Life patterns for life106 program,
| embodying alternate Life rules.
LITDOX.ZIP 4285 04-03-94 Complete documentation for Lost in Time.
LOTTOC38.ZIP 129920 05-01-94 LOTTO CHALLENGER 3.8 <ASP> Determines
| the most likely lottery numbers to be
| drawn next. Uses a statistical analysis
| of previously drawn lottery numbers to
| pick your numbers, not a random number
| generator. Numbers picked can be played
| in any of the 20 wheeling systems that
| are included. Works with all lotteries
| that pick 5 or 6 numbers, including
| Powerball. From Data Solutions.
LSRLGHT.ZIP 344005 03-15-94 You set up reflectors to direct light
| from the laser to the target.
MAJYK140.ZIP 83411 05-21-94 Majyk Empires 1.40.
MALTA_IS.ZIP 71936 07-05-94 FS4 Flight Simulator Scenery of the
| ISLANDS OF MALTA, the beautiful archi-
| pelago in the Mediterranean Sea. Please
| delete any older versions. This was
| made to scale and has all Navs, SEE
| enhanced scenery, Modes and Doc. By
| Alfred Grech.
MANDIX11.ZIP 35418 05-23-94 PWAD for Doom 1.2 (for REGISTERED
| version only).
MAYAGLIF.ZIP 8519 07-09-94 MJ TileSet: Mayan glyphs with text.
MAZETR15.ZIP 48736 04-14-94 Maze of the treasure is a challenging
| maze game which throws you into the
| middle of a randomly generated maze,
| chasing a moving treasure chest through
| 20 levels.
MEGA700.ZIP 519055 04-17-94 MEGATRON 7.00. Excellent virtual
| reality action game set in 3D dungeon.
| You are a robot on a hunter-killer
| mission. Destroy the other robot in a
| complicated labyrinth before it destroys
| you. Battle a computer opponent, or for
| best results, take on another player via
| modem for real-time fun. 386DX, VGA and
| 2MB of disk space required; supports
| sound card, keyboard & mouse.
MEGAPACK.ZIP 114911 04-30-94 A new, updated version of MEGAWATT.WAD
| and the totally new MEGALAB.WAD for the
| registered version of DOOM. Great new
| levels built with DEU5.1 and BSP1.1.
MFE110.ZIP 48429 06-05-94 MINEFIELD FOR EVERYBODY 1.1. A game of
| strategy, logic, and a little luck.
| Similar to other mine field games, but
| will run on ANY system! Uses mouse or
| keyboard, EGA/VGA support, save & load,
| customizable play fields and difficulty,
| and more! Great for laptops or palm
| tops. <ASP>
MIG_WADS.ZIP 529662 06-29-94 8 WAD files for REGISTERED version of
MJANATMY.ZIP 5872 04-17-94 Mah Jongg Tile Set: Basic Anatomy.
MJSYMBOL.ZIP 5483 05-31-94 MJ TileSet: Symbols.
MJTIL737.ZIP 9019 03-02-94 Mah Jongg tiles: Brownie Girl Scout
| badges.
MJTIL73X.ZIP 63713 03-19-94 Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains
| all sets 730-739. Includes Christmas,
| Girl Scouts, holidays, telephones, food.
MJTIL740.ZIP 7786 03-06-94 Mah Jongg Tile Set: Winter and Summer
| Olympic Events.
MJTIL741.ZIP 5421 03-06-94 Mah Jongg Tile Set: Pool Terms and
| Items.
MJTIL742.ZIP 3595 03-06-94 Mah Jongg Tile Set: Computer Keyboard
| Symbols.
MJTIL744.ZIP 4651 03-11-94 Mah Jongg Tile Set: "Blazons" -
| individual and family coats of arms.
MJTIL745.ZIP 4265 03-15-94 Mah Jongg Tile Set: Illustrated Heraldy
| Terms.
MJTIL746.ZIP 4810 03-15-94 Mah Jongg Tile Set: Illustrated Armorial
| bearings and accessories.
MJTIL747.ZIP 4845 03-20-94 Mah Jongg Tile Set: 1956 Hong Kong
| Mahjong tile graphics.
MJTIL768.ZIP 4434 03-18-94 Mah Jongg Tile Set: Lamps, Keys and
| Pencils.
MJTIL770.ZIP 4520 03-10-94 Mah Jongg Tile Set: Hearts and Circles.
MJTIL771.ZIP 5149 03-17-94 Mah Jongg Tile Set: Neck Ties.
MJTIL772.ZIP 13949 06-11-94 Mah Jongg Tile Set: Monsters with
| bright colored backgrounds.
MK21.ZIP 34081 05-13-94 DOOM PWAD. Episode 2, Level 1 External
| PWAD edited level for Registered DOOM
| 1.2. First level in the ASMODEUS
| Series.
MK2_V2.ZIP 3774 03-04-94 95% of all MK2 moves are here! MORTAL
| KOMBAT Don't be a chump, be a Version 2
| champ! Includes: How to get to Jade and
| Smoke, Deathmove for Dead Pool, and
| Kintaro fatality! FINISH HIM!
MODEM_3D.ZIP 147875 05-18-94 MODEM-3D 1.1. A Modem Multi-player,
| Virtual Reality, 3D Multi-Media,
| texture-mapped game is here! Excellent
| cinematographic system that plays in a
| virtual world as a single player or
| modem multi player. Competition on a
| forever-spreading National Top-40 adds
| to the fun. Not only is competition
| against your foe, it's recorded for
| others to play against.
| A 175 page text file consisting of cuts
| and pastings from UseNet (Internet)
| discussion in comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.
| strategy. PLUS valuable charts for
| planning MOO strategies.
MPEDE102.ZIP 46134 03-13-94 Micropede 1.02. Arcade game similar to
| Centipede and Millipede. Shoot all of
| the bugs to advance to the next level.
| 500 levels of play. VGA and mouse
| required.
MRDM3301.ZIP 17997 05-24-94 A new original E3M3 level for the
| registered version of DOOM.
MSAMP110.ZIP 122380 04-23-94 Math Sampler 1.10. Six animated math
| lessons and games. Improves on other
| math games by providing animated math
| lessons and arcade-action games.
| Drag-and-drop mouse interface makes
| numbers feel real. Best multi-digit
| math yet uses carry and borrow. Has
| count., , -, x, and /. Used in schools
| and home schools. Needs mouse, 512k,
| DOS 2.1, color EGA/VGA.
MUPPIE.ZIP 20077 07-04-94 Xquest recorded game with a high score
| of 235,000 points. Much better than the
| recorded game which comes with
MVPBR.ZIP 218222 04-28-94 MVP Bridge by MVP Software <ASP> If
| you like to play Bridge, or you would
| like to learn, MVP Bridge is for you.
| Featuring nice VGA graphics, Sound
| Blaster support, and strong play, MVP
| Bridge is the best shareware Bridge game
| ever developed. Easy to use and learn.
| With MVP Bridge you always have a
| foursome waiting to play. Requires
| 286+, 640K, VGA, MS-compatible mouse.
MYCITY.ZIP 82808 03-23-94 Cities for Simcity 2000. One city is
| really big city and it has population of
| about 2 million people. Other city is
| well balanced and has the 80% approval
| rate even with 7% tax rate.
MYHEARTS.ZIP 51552 06-10-94 A classic old card game for DOS!
MYSTHELP.ZIP 118422 03-26-94 Help on the CD-ROM game MYST.
MYSTHINT.ZIP 5147 05-20-94 Collection of Hints for Myst. Very
| helpful on some of those puzzles.
MYSTSOLV.ZIP 7614 07-15-94 Solution for Myst 1.0.
MYSTUHS.ZIP 14706 05-20-94 Universal Hint System hint file for
| Myst. Requires a UHS 91a reader for DOS
| or Windows.
MYST_HNT.ZIP 5913 05-29-94 Hints for the game Myst from Broderbund
| BBS.
NAWAR.ZIP 301482 04-09-94 You can be in this Game! Action
| Adventure! Battle the bizzare minions
| of the demented professor! VGA,
| SoundBlaster.
NC1ISS.ZIP 69921 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set NC-1 1.05. Region NC-1 provides
| airports and navigational aids for Iowa,
| North Dakota, South Dakota and
| Minnesota.
NC2ISS.ZIP 60408 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set NC-2 1.05. Region NC-2 provides
| airports and navigational aids for
| Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri.
NE1ISS.ZIP 30157 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set NE-1 1.05. Region NE-1 provides
| airports and navigational aids for
| Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,
| Massachusetts, Rhode Island and
| Connecticut.
NE2ISS.ZIP 47505 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set NE-2 1.05. Region NE-2 provides
| airports and navigational aids for New
| York and Pennsylvania.
NE3ISS.ZIP 34731 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set NE-3 1.05. Region NE-3 provides
| airports and navigational aids for
| Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia,
| Maryland, Washington, DC and West
| Virginia.
NEWHITS1.ZIP 158400 04-07-94 Whole new episode for Registered DOOM
| check it out.
NEWLVLS.ZIP 735073 05-09-94 Collection of new Doom levels newly
| designed levels, not customized versions
| of old levels. Required: Doom 1.2
| (Registered version.)
NEWMUSIC.ZIP 36873 04-17-94 New music for Doom registered version
| E2M1-9.
NHL_DOC.ZIP 13326 03-07-94 Full docs for EA NHL hockey.
NITE3D.ZIP 918674 06-07-94 NITEMARE-3D - A House of Horrors 1.0
| <ASP> VGA 256 color 3D scrolling
| adventure game. Continuing the theme of
| the original HUGO games, this all new
| series features first person perspective
| scrolling in 256 color VGA. Supports
| mouse, joystick and Sound Blaster
| compatible sound cards. Requires 386 or
| higher and 2 Meg extended memory. First
| episode is shareware, register for more!
NJFLUX.ZIP 375290 03-15-94 NEJILIAN FLUX 1.0. HOT! Side/overhead
| view shooter by A-J Games with Sound-
| Blaster sound effects you won't believe!
| VGA/SVGA. The ship Nejilian Flux has
| been destroyed, but its crew have been
| picked up by an alien `scooter'. Find
| your way back to Earth.
NOVA05C.ZIP 30045 05-12-94 NOVA 05e. A small, dark, forbidding
| Deathmatch level for Doom. For maximum
| enjoyment, set gamma to none. For
| Registered users only.
NW1ISS.ZIP 71083 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set NW-1 1.05. Region NW-1 provides
| airports and navigational aids for
| Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and
| Montana.
NZ_BGL.ZIP 14975 03-26-94 New Zealand for Flight Simulator 5.0!
| Numerous airports and ILS, navaids,
| etc. Good documentation.
OILCAP62.ZIP 114233 03-01-94 OILCAP 6.2 Req. EGA/VGA & Mouse Oilcap
| pits you against the clock as you try to
| contain the gushing oil by creating a
| series of passages to control its flow.
| Quick thinking and fast reflexes are
| essential in order to stay ahead of the
| onrushing oil. Strategy is required to
| correctly place the oddly shaped links
| in order to keep the oil flowing as long
| as possible.
ONTRGT15.ZIP 94733 04-02-94 OnTarget 1.5. VGA Artillery Game. The
| BEST artillery game that others have
| been trying to emulate! This is the
| shareware version of Villa Crespo
| Software's best-selling game! Shoot
| artillery pieces at each other under a
| beautiful star-filled moon-lit night
| sky. Play against a friend or the
| computer! Full mouse support, ranked
| player history file.
ORION32.ZIP 813621 05-27-94 The Orion Project 3.2. Cool
| 320X200x256 space game.
OVER9MIL.ZIP 31506 05-20-94 A SimCity2000 City with over 9 Million
| people.
PAGANWT.ZIP 17833 04-22-94 A complete walk-thru of Ultima 8.
PARTH11.ZIP 66524 06-16-94 PARTH11 WAD. A completely new level for
| Id Software's Doom. It replaces E2M2.
| Yes, This one has a Cyberdemon in it. It
| was originally laid out for long- range
| rocket deathmatches, and grew from there
| into a single and co-op capable without
| losing the original intent. For
| Registered users only.
PAWV01.ZIP 368831 06-02-94 Patch 01 for 1942 Pacific Air War from
| Microprose. Adds support for CH
| Flightstick Pro and Thrustmaster FCS
| "high-hats."
PERSNUM.ZIP 225380 04-26-94 PERSONAL NUMEROLOGIST 2.13S. Produce
| surprisingly accurate, in-depth per-
| sonality reports based on names and
| birth dates. 6 to 8 page reports reveal
| the most intimate traits and desires for
| yourself, friends and family. Uses
| advanced techniques similar to what
| professional numerologists utilize.
PFEDGE94.ZIP 342240 07-17-94 PRO FOOTBALL EDGE! 3.0 1994/95.
| Handicap and track the NFL. New! 76
| Trends in 9 situations. New Computer
| Pick simulated results: SPREAD WINNERS
| 374-257 59% TOTALS 208-125 62%. 9
| match-up screens per game. 11 Year
| Database and 94 schedule included. Stats
| entered from newspaper or downloaded
| from the PFE! BBS. Requires:
| Mono/Color, 640kb RAM.
PNHRST_2.ZIP 207839 04-12-94 Pinehurst, the classic Donald Ross golf
| course in North Carloina. For Jack
| Nicklaus Signature Edition (JNSE), by
| Roger Johnson.
POD13.ZIP 102949 03-12-94 POD 1.3. Move your "pod" around a
| network of colored tracks to remove
| them, but avoid falling off or being
| stranded. Some colors require multiple
| passes, and others do even more
| interesting things. Simple to learn,
| but quite difficult to master! A unique
| and challenging game with great EGA
| graphics and sound, and a distinctive
| space flavor.
POKER175.ZIP 15500 03-12-94 Poker 1.750: DOS-based game of poker.
POKER572.ZIP 62942 07-04-94 Classic Draw Poker 5.72. A two-handed
| draw poker game that offers a real
| challenge, even for experienced poker
| players. Now with a tournament fea-
| ture. Runs on just about any PC. No
| special requirement for graphics,
| memory, or sound. No glitz, just fun.
POKERDEB.ZIP 79301 05-14-94 Five Card Draw Video Poker 1.0. A real
| neat video poker game a lot like the
| ones in the casinos. It has both key-
| board and mouse support, and requires
| 320x200x256 VGA. Only uses about 312K
| of disk space. Try it!
POKRD19A.ZIP 65440 07-15-94 Pokerdor 1.9a. Online 5 card draw
| poker.
POOLWLK.ZIP 13502 04-03-94 This is a walk through of Pool of
| Radiance.
PRIVDITO.ZIP 9654 05-01-94 Privateer save games for add-on game
| Righteous Fire. Lots of cool weapons.
| Requires the actual Righteous Fire game
| to be installed.
PROSTICK.ZIP 50479 03-17-94 Configure your Flightstick Pro buttons.
PSA_V21.ZIP 131752 07-05-94 Purity 2.1. Stand-alone version.
P_DESTR.ZIP 840362 04-27-94 VOYAGER III. Self-Destruct Option
| Module. Exciting way to exit VOYAGER
| III. Start the self-destruct module and
| the space ship will blow up after a
| count-down. Realistic and fun. Self-
| Destruct is only temporary as you can
| start the program again from DOS.
| 386/486 system. Look for more Option
| Modules for the VOYAGER III program.
QB_BUSH.ZIP 8046 03-04-94 Bushwick is a game of luck and sometimes
| skill. In this game you fight Bushwick
| and his huge army of weapons. It is up
| to you to put his arsenal to an end.
| Try it, if you think you got the skill!
QFGHINTS.ZIP 17464 05-27-94 Hints for Quest for Glory 4 by Sierra
| Online.
RAPPAT_R.ZIP 256840 06-01-94 RAPTOR 1.1 Patch file from APOGEE. This
| file is for registered owners of Raptor
| ONLY! This file will patch your
| registered copy of Raptor 1.0 to the
| newly released 1.1. This patch will do
| nothing if you only have the shareware
| version. This patch requires that you
| have your copy of the game currently
| installed. (c) 1994 Apogee Software by:
| Joe Siegler.
RAPPAT_S.ZIP 268604 06-01-94 RAPTOR 1.1 Patch file for APOGEE. This
| file is for shareware users of Raptor
| ONLY! This file will patch your share-
| ware copy of Raptor 1.0 to the newly
| released 1.1. DO NOT use this patch if
| you have the registered version of the
| game. There is a separate patch for the
| registered version.
RDM4_0.ZIP 82834 03-17-94 RunDOOM 4.0. Front-end shell for DOOM
| 1.2. Here it is and it's got all the
| goodies you could want! All of the old
| options PLUS support for loading
| EDITOR for registered DOOM owners!
| Optimized code now fits into a smaller
| package with less memory usage. If you
| play DOOM, get this NOW!
REACTWAD.ZIP 69301 06-28-94 WAD INFO Title. Patch WAD for regist-
| ered Doom created using Waded 1.17 -
| 1.23. Nodes built by BSP 1.1x. The
| hell spawn have taken over a nuclear
| power plant. It's up to you to clean
| 'em out. You can take a friend along to
| help if you like. Reactor works solo or
| in multi-player mode.
REALCARS.ZIP 22389 06-20-94 This file contains several car designs
| to be used with Indycar Racing by
| Papyrus. "Un-zip" the file and add the
| contents to a "cars" directory. (Note:
| It is best to use this file with the
| "Paintkit" utility.)
REALCITY.ZIP 131663 05-09-94 Chicago, New York, and Seattle city
| representations for SimCity 2000.
REB17.ZIP 447595 04-28-94 Rebel Assault CD-ROM update 1.7. If you
| have this game, download this file to
| fix some bugs in the program.
REBHELP.ZIP 8838 05-23-94 Direct from LucasArts BBS. Help file
| dealing with tech problems in Rebel
| Assault.
REPTAL.ZIP 392594 03-31-94 You can be in this Game! Action
| Adventure! Battle your way through the
| barbarous lands of REPTALIA and save the
| human race!
RICKY2.ZIP 360706 04-07-94 Ricky the Rat 1.0. Guide Ricky the Rat
| through a maze and help him collect
| money to escape. Supports Sound Blaster
| and compatible sound cards.
RIKER10.ZIP 55292 05-04-94 New DOOM game level PWAD (for
| Registered version).
ROBSCARS.ZIP 165175 06-03-94 This file is a compilation of several
| car designs to be used with Papyrus'
| Indycar Racing. "Un-ZIP" the file and
| insert them as you would any other set
| of cars. (The use of this file is much
| simplified if "Paintkit" is used.)
ROLLGEMS.ZIP 30033 03-04-94 A program to help generate treasure
| found for the AD&D Role Playing game
| System. Generates Gems and their values
| based on DMG Tables.
RWP102.ZIP 572288 05-04-94 Real Weather Pilot by Mallard Software
| 1.02 patch. Final patch fixes bugs,
| etc.
SAGE_5.ZIP 58565 03-13-94 Hundreds of tips for Sega Genesis games.
SAND21.ZIP 190616 04-28-94 Sand Storm 2.1 by MVP Software <ASP>
| Fire up your mouse for non-stop action
| in this high-octane graphics arcade
| game. Intercept Scud missiles and jet
| attacks with your Patriots; then guide
| your Tomahawk missile through enemy AA
| fire on a search and destroy mission.
| Chosen as a Top Pick and Top Download by
| American OnLine. Includes 20 missions.
| Requires: VGA/SVGA, mouse.
SBAW.ZIP 21298 06-05-94 Spider Behind A Wall - part of the
| Barons Everywhere series. Must have the
| registered version of DOOM 1.2 or
| higher.
SC1ISS.ZIP 47836 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set SC-1 1.05. Region SC-1 provides
| airports and navigational aids for
| Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana.
SC2ISS.ZIP 62348 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set SC-2 1.05. Region SC-2 provides
| airports and navigational aids for
| Texas.
SC2K2.ZIP 561128 06-17-94 Sim City 2000 Metropolis with
| archeologies.
SC2KCITY.ZIP 278278 03-13-94 More cities for Sim City 2000 and money
| cheats.
SC3_103.ZIP 114456 03-01-94 Stellar Conquest III, Hostile Takeover
| 1.03. VGA space strategy war game.
| Requires VGA graphics and mouse.
SE1ISS.ZIP 48339 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set SE-1 1.05. Region SE-1 provides
| airports and navigational aids for
| Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi and
| Alabama.
SE2ISS.ZIP 46004 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set SE-2 1.05. Region SE-2 provides
| airports and navigational aids for North
| Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.
SE3ISS.ZIP 27502 03-13-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set SE-3 1.04 - Region SE-3 provides
| airports and navigational aids for
| Florida, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin
| Islands.
SEGA0394.ZIP 82946 03-08-94 SEGA/GENESIS TIPS. This is the latest
| text of game tips for the Sega/Genesis.
| 218 games are covered.
SHADOW_S.ZIP 187458 06-17-94 Fantasy Role-Playing game.
SHOOTG31.ZIP 205898 03-09-94 Shooting Gallery 3.1: Colorful VGA
| action. Offers seven rounds of shooting
| action with arcade shooting range,
| skeet, target and wild west shootout.
| Runs in 256 color mode requiring VGA or
| MCGA system and a mouse. Includes
| SoundBlaster support, multiple players,
| selectable rounds, practice modes and
| other options. By Nels Anderson <ASP>.
SIMCART.ZIP 27250 06-22-94 This is a small city for Simcity 2000.
| Has very good potential. See what you
| can do!
SIMFARM1.ZIP 16060 03-20-94 Saved game for SimFarm. Start the game
| with $9,999,9999.
SIMOCEAN.ZIP 34421 06-26-94 This is my best city to date. Let it
| sit for awhile and watch the population
| skyrocket! For Simcity 2000.
SIMPLANT.ZIP 106655 05-20-94 Secondary heat balance simulator for
| Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. Actual
| design parameters used for simulation.
SNAKE11.ZIP 254542 05-13-94 SnakeFighter 1.1. Fixes bugs and adds 5
| new backgrounds.
SNESNBA.ZIP 10356 03-06-94 NBA JAM Tips and codes for SNES and
| Genesis.
SOFTKY.ZIP 85361 04-28-94 Software registration key utility for
| programmers.
SOLDEDIT.ZIP 9858 07-04-94 A new X-Com editor that lets you change
| the abilities and wound recovery time of
| all your soldiers.
SP108.ZIP 142316 03-31-94 Simple Pleasures Solitaire 1.08. Eight
| of the very best and easiest-to-learn
| solitaire card games, including both
| well known classics and brand new brain
| teasers. Requires EGA or VGA and a
| mouse. Shareware by Randy Rasa.
SPACEP2.ZIP 201964 04-01-94 Space Pilot 2.0. 256 color graphics
| action arcade game.
SPIDERUN.ZIP 121380 03-01-94 Spider Run 1.0. Requires EGA/VGA and
| Mouse. It's a race against the clock as
| you rotate web strands for the spider to
| run across. Quick thinking and fast
| reflexes are required to keep the spider
| crawling across his web. Gain extra
| points for bonus strands and stray flies
| that get caught in the web as you try
| for the Top Ten High Scores. Fun for
| the whole family and educational.
SS108.ZIP 318631 03-31-94 Solitaire Suite 1.08. Seven addictive
| card games including classics such as
| Calculation, Concentration, Idiot's
| Delight, Midnight Oil, Monte Carlo,
| Osmosis, and Royal Cotillion. Shareware
| by Randy Rasa. Requires EGA or VGA and
| a mouse.
STAT0417.ZIP 14852 04-18-94 Week #2 of Major League Player
| statistics for importation into STATMAN
| Fantasy/Rotisserie Baseball, 2.13. Both,
| National AND American League statistics
| will be updated with this update file.
| MUST have STATMAN Fantasy/Rotisserie
| Baseball, 2.13 before using.
STAT214.ZIP 248149 04-20-94 STATMAN Fantasy/Rotisserie Baseball,
| 2.14. The ULTIMATE in Fantasy League
| maintenance! Conducts draft, use up to
| 21 stat categories for your league.
| Prints reports, Use of National,
| American or BOTH players, Allows I/R,
| "Expanded" rosters, Transaction reports,
| Owner's reports, Long-term player
| Contracts, etc. Weekly STATS entry
| either automatically or manually.
STJRUHS.ZIP 20609 06-11-94 Universal Hint System file for Star
| Trek: Judgment Rites. Requires a UHS
| 91a reader for DOS or Windows.
STONE212.ZIP 510327 04-15-94 STONE MIST 2: Legend of the Overfiend
| RPG (version 1.21). VGA/SoundBlaster/
| Microsoft Mouse. A huge RPG with tons
| of monsters, spells, weapons and a great
| story and plot. If you enjoy Ultima or
| Magic Candle games then this fully
| animated RPG, will be a MUST for you.
SUP51500.ZIP 15983 04-10-94 Supplemental documentation for Doom and
| DEU 5.0.
SW1ISS.ZIP 56061 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set SW-1 1.05. Region SW-1 provides
| airports and navigational aids for
| Nevada, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and
| Arizona.
SW2ISS.ZIP 41025 03-19-94 Flight Simulator 5 Instrument Scenery
| Set SW-2 1.05. Region SW-2 provides
| airports and navigational aids for
| California.
TANGRM11.ZIP 74601 06-05-94 Tangram 1.1 by Judah Warshaw. <ASP>
| The ancient Chinese puzzle game comes to
| life in hi-res VGA. Includes 50 intri-
| guing puzzles to solve, full 360 degree
| control of the Tangram pieces, 1/4
| million color VGA support, built-in
| screen saver, 3D mouse driven interface,
| save your own puzzles, and more!
| REQUIRES VGA and a mouse.
TJPOKE16.ZIP 167077 04-15-94 T&J Video Poker 1.61.
TOM6BID.ZIP 140204 06-05-94 TOMMY'S SIX-BID SOLO (TM-148). Be a
| Maverick with this American frontier
| card game. There are six ways to bid
| your hand, are you maverick enough to go
| for it? Works with any IBM PC or clone,
| any monitor, no mouse or joystick
| needed. Programmed by aliens from outer
| space!
TOMCASS.ZIP 145830 06-15-94 TOMMY'S CASSINO (TM-146) Go Mediter-
| ranean with this FUN card game based on
| arithmetic rather than tricks. You vs.
| the PC. Lots of options & variants.
| Works with any IBM PC or clone, any
| monitor, no mouse or joystick needed.
| Programmed by aliens from outer space!
TRI_NFLV.ZIP 31269 06-08-94 TRiNiTY Game Reviews Presents. NFL
| Video Pro Football.
TSTPSPCH.ZIP 453478 03-06-94 Speech pack accessory to "To Serve and
| Protect"; adds lots of digitized sound.
| Although not necessary to play the game,
| this is well worth the download.
TTRIVIA1.ZIP 51026 07-01-94 T Trivia 1.01 Boston Transit Trivia
| countless questions. Single file.
TUBES100.ZIP 555935 06-21-94 Tubes! 1.00 by Software Creations <ASP>
| A new, exciting and addictive action
| packed puzzle game! Your goal is to
| match at least 3 similar colored atoms
| to make them vanish in a whirl of
| fantastic animation. Requires: VGA
| (with 256K) and at least a 286. Sup-
| ports: Adlib, Sound Blaster, General
| Midi.
U8_MT32.ZIP 16216 04-30-94 U8-MT32 1.0. Alters Ultima 8: PAGAN's
| music files to allow the music to play
| correctly on a Roland MT-32/LAPC-1.
UBJ.ZIP 346969 04-11-94 ULTIMATE BLACKJACK 3.0. <ASP> Inter-
| active animated Blackjack simulation.
| Go where no blackjack player has gone
| before, into the ULTIMATE zone! Enter a
| fully animated casino card game and
| gambling school. Set the number of
| decks, change casino rules, play with
| computer characters, learn card
| counting.
UHSDOS16.ZIP 94290 06-28-94 Universal Hint System Reader for MS-DOS,
| 1.60. Gives hint-book style clues for
| many popular computer games; hints range
| from subtle clues to full answers. You
| are only shown the hints that you want,
| so your game is not spoiled. Includes
| both a DOS prompt version and a demo of
| a TSR version that will run from inside
| most of your favorite games.
ULT8DOX.ZIP 24274 03-26-94 Docs for Ultima 8.
ULTGIN.ZIP 504266 04-11-94 ULTIMATE GIN 2.0 <ASP> Interactive
| Animated Gin Rummy simulation. Go where
| no gin player has gone before, into the
| ULTIMATE zone! Enter a fully animated
| card game with 4 notorious players.
| Select your Gin variation and play with
| Hollywood scoring if desired. Set game
| scores & bonus amounts. EGA+.
ULTHLP.ZIP 25316 04-30-94 New text file on Ultima 8 - Pagan.
VDOOM2_3.ZIP 41391 03-02-94 View Episodes 2 and 3 of registered of
VIDCHT.ZIP 59918 03-06-94 Definitive Arcade Video Game Cheat
| Sheet. Cheats for Different Games.
WARZONE1.ZIP 27679 05-09-94 New Level for DOOM, E1M1. Created for
| Deathmatch, solo, or cooperative.
| Registered Version Only.
WARZONE2.ZIP 30858 05-09-94 New level for DOOM, E1M2. Created for
| Deathmatch, solo or cooperative.
| Registered Version Only.
WARZONE3.ZIP 18089 05-16-94 New level for Doom, E1M3. This is the
| 3rd level in the Warzone series.
| Registered Version Only.
WARZONE4.ZIP 48027 05-31-94 New Level for Doom, E1M4 (Registered
| version ONLY). Good for Deathmatch,
| solo or cooperative. Now go kick some
| demon BUTT!
WARZONE5.ZIP 37880 06-18-94 New Level for Doom, E1M5 (Registered
| Version ONLY). This is my best level
| yet! Very good for DEATHMATCH. Also
| hard to find secret stuff. Based on the
| classic first level of Wolfenstein 3-D.
| The first 3 skill levels play much like
| WOLF3D. Play changes quite a bit at
| ULTRAVIOLENCE level. Please play
| through at a lower skill level first, to
| get the full effect.
WARZONE6.ZIP 63697 07-10-94 New level for Doom, E1M6. This one
| takes place in a warehouse. Now go kick
| some demon BUTT! Registered Version
| Only.
WCC100.ZIP 122191 05-09-94 Word Criss Cross 1.00.
WEEZUL5.ZIP 151533 05-24-94 The complete "Into the Weezul's Lair"
| missions for DOOM registered version.
| The new 5th level features the 6 gates
| of hell! Don't miss the fountain of
| blood of the legendary power word! See
| and kill many of the very best citizens
| of hell. All to a soundtrack by J. S.
| Bach. Enjoy!
WIZDOM.ZIP 21766 05-07-94 A SimCity 2000 city - Wizdom, 10000
| people. It follows a 4x4 block pattern
| as illustrated in Computer Gaming World
| magazine.
XWORD11.ZIP 177226 05-20-94 THE DAILY CROSSWORD 1.1 <ASP> Generate
| top quality crosswords with a single
| keystroke. Uses a 7000+ word dictionary
| (plus clues) to generate a different
| puzzle every time. Solve the puzzles on
| screen, or print them out for later use
| or for publication. Has full facilities
| for dictionary editing and for creating
| new dictionaries.
YANG100.ZIP 47865 05-04-94 Yang Fist 1.00 Fight Oriental Style.
ZELDA4P1.ZIP 68458 03-21-94 This is a unit of texts all containing
| help for The Legend Of Zelda IV(for Game
| Boy). It contains detailed information
| on how to pass levels 1-7 and informa-
| tion on the outside world and caves. It
| also has a complete listing of where to
| find all hearts, items, seashells, etc.
ZORKED.ZIP 21732 06-12-94 Has three saved games for the Zorkian
| Trilogy. One even's near the last room!
_1RAP11.ZIP 1968758 06-01-94 RAPTOR 1.1. An arcade-style game from
| APOGEE! (VGA) 386 (or higher) with 2
| Megs REQUIRED! Kill for cash! In the
| future as a mercenary flying the
| super-tech Raptor, you'll be sent on
| interplanetary missions to knock off top
| competitors of MegaCorp. Upgrade with
| 14 hard core weapons. Jaw-dropping VGA
| animation and cinematics. Supports all
| major sound cards - GUS, PAS16, & AWE32!
_REALM.ZIP 119336 07-10-94 A new Warlords 2 scenario must have
| Warlords 2 scenario builder to use.